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Is Your Filter Off Kilter?

It all starts when Sean tells the mailman his breath stinks!


Written in an easy reader style for children, the first portion of the book takes us into the life of seven year old Sean, who sometimes blurts out comments that others find unkind.


He visits Miss Judy and confides in his speech pathologist about his sensory difficulties.


Judy explains a filter we all have in our brains which sifts what we say.


"Imagine a pasta strainer," says Miss Judy. "If the holes are too big, what happens? Sometimes words we don't mean to say leak right through."


As the story moves along, Sean sees himself as a boy with "super senses," who can regain control of what he says, when he says it; and how he behaves. 

By taking a team approach to Sean's treatment plan, Sean is truly helped and truly happy.

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